Saturday, July 13, 2019

Bedtime Gory

Continuing from yesterday morning, it's Twilight Of The Heroes - a classic tale from the golden days of yore by Ron Wilber. When reading along, remember that this was back in 1977 - so long ago that my then wife and i were still expecting our first child when it was published in Rocket's Blast Comic Collector. Long before the 'Dark Age' of comics, and way back when we could only dream of characters from different companies ever appearing together.

Some dreams are decidedly more twisted than others...

I miss the old zines.
(Hey, Mindbender! Is S-TAPA still publishing?)

page art by Ron Wilber for Rocket's Blast Comic Collector #s 143-  (1977)

Friday, July 12, 2019

It Started In January 1955 When The Police Discovered The Body Of One Comics Code Official...

Thus did it begin...

Late last year, while presenting Ron Wilber's Star Woes from the old Rocket's Blast Comic Collector, i realized that i hadn't yet run his classic Twilight Of The Heroes despite having thought i had. Perhaps i was confusing it with The Massacre Of The Innocents, another strip from RBCC which did run previously. Or perhaps my deranged mind was playing tricks on me once again. 

Regardless, it's past time for another dive into those old zines and long past time for this tale to appear. However, we're going to break it up for a couple of reasons. The first is length - the story runs for 32 pages. You need a bit of room when telling an Epic, y'know. So we'll break the tale into two posts.

Moreover, we're also going to break this first post as well. After Wonder Woman shows up, it soon becomes NSFW. Fortunately, that's why The Other Voice Of ODD! exists. We can run the uncensored pages safely behind the adult warning.

Twilight Of The Heroes ran over several issues of RBCC, beginning in #139 - the same issue which featured Ron's above linked Star Woes tale.

If you jumped over from this post on the main blog, this is where to continue...

Continued (and concluded) tomorrow...

 page art by Ron Wilber for RBCC #s 139-142 (1977)