Saturday, September 14, 2019

I Teach You To Massage Gungliax

We're talking about Masks today in the main room here at The Voice Of ODD!. Perhaps not surprisingly, my story tended to stray into areas better suited for the back room.

Here's the main post which leads into this extra bit -

As noted in the main post, some of the artwork remains lost at this point. Here are two panels from the following page... 

Nope, nothing happened beyond Juan learning to massage the gungliax cluster - a useful skill.

The work done on this book, and art breakdowns shown in the main post, eventually led to more recent styles -

(from some of that unreleased game work to which i referred in the main post)

I also tended to do full sized mock-ups of the magazines people are reading inside the comic...

...and back cover to the magazine...

You might remember a certain ridiculous beer bottle that was being advertised in our world around that time. Here's a hint...

That's about it for now. I'm off to suffer the repercussions inflicted by my angry brain. It didn't want to go here...

stuff by -3- for Masks (2010)