Thursday, July 5, 2018

Read Your Vegetables

As you likely already noticed if you came in through the 'front door' of the main blog, while i have made mention of my favorite underground artist team - the Overland Vegetable Stagecoach - it recently hurt my brain to realize that we've only had a single feature on Dave Sheridan, and only a single page of Fred Schrier's work.

Let us fix that, shall we?

Note: While typically the back room post here on The Other Voice Of ODD! includes all of the material presented in the main room, that is not the case today. I decided i could use more material if we didn't duplicate unless needed this time out. This includes text as well as stories.

Let's kick off with Dave Sheridan's tale, The Fun House, which provided the teaser panels for the main post -

Ah, the '70s. Been there, dug that. There was no alchemist upstairs, but there was a chemist at U.C.R., the local university. I knew that last panel well.

Meanwhile...  Here's Fred's tale presented in the front room, without the ugly black censorship bars on page 4 -

Following up on the recent presentation of Sympathy For The Devil, here's another sonic/graphic intersection coming to us from Dave Sheridan. You'll probably want to substitute the word 'download' for 'borrow' to modernize the instructions, and while step 2 certainly helps with mood & experience, viability will be a individual decision of preference and circumstance. (Personally, i found some Chocolate Covered Strawberries (THC 27.5%) frosted with a bit of 3x Crazy SF Sugar (THC 78.4%) to be effective. Your mileage may vary.)
Also - consider headphones instead of full blast stereo unless you live in an isolated cave.Try not to throw more wood on the bonfire of civilization, eh?

And to wrap it up with a splash of colour, here's the cover to Mother's Oats #3 -

Next time we visit, more Dope.
Dealer McDope.
(And Father Guido Sarducci, and 20,000 Kilos Beneath The Sea)

pages from Mother's Oats #s 2 & 3 (1971, 1977) and Slow Death #2 (1970)

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